Quenching the Soul: Overcoming Spiritual Dehydration in the Florida Sun

By Our Savior
On August 28, 2023

Whenever we feel thirsty, dry, or depleted, it’s important that we obtain nourishment for our bodies through water or food. For those of us who deal with the heat underneath the Florida sun, this can be difficult and draining. But what happens when we experience a thirst of a different type? The one that makes us feel alone, separated, and susceptible to the temptations of the world? We call this spiritual dehydration, and it’s a very real occurrence that hinders our relationship with Christ and his teachings, which have a profound effect on our lives. Today, we’ll go into how we can combat this affliction and recharge our bodies and minds. 

Group prayer and worship

Rehabilitation Through Prayer 

Prayer is one of the things we’re all encouraged to do as much as possible. When we’re thirsty, we reach for a glass of water. Prayer is one of the most refreshing drinks we can consume. Even when we’re at our lowest point, God and his son are there with us to provide healing. By humbling ourselves and giving our thirst for wellness over to him, he’ll fill the vessels and help us replenish ourselves. 

Feasting Through Fellowship 

There’s an old Lutheran expression that comes to us by way of Minnesota–” fate makes our relatives; choice makes our friends.” This is particularly true when it comes to healing spiritual dehydration. Surrounding ourselves with those who share the same beliefs and have experienced similar struggles can help us strengthen our bond with Christ and recover from those periods when our beliefs feel dry and depleted. 

Seeking Guidance to Navigate Troubled Times 

It’s easy to feel like no one understands the struggles that you’re going through. The fact is just the opposite is true. One of the major aspects of the protestant reformation in Germany was that Luther felt that anyone could achieve god’s grace and could do so without the necessity for a priest. The preacher of any Lutheran congregation is much more than someone who delivers sermons every Sunday and oversees communion. Their position is one of guidance and assistance to parishioners who are in need of assistance. Attending a Sunday service and seeking help can be the first steps towards a more fulfilling quality of life, one that leaves you feeling replenished. 

Our Savior Lutheran Church 

Following Christ’s example has long been the path that many have chosen to follow in the pursuit of happiness and personal fulfillment. At Our Savior Lutheran Church, you’ll find fulfillment and fellowship. For information on who we are and what we practice, visit us at online or stop by and see us at 301 58th Street S in St. Petersburg.

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Sundays – 8:00 AM (Traditional) and 10:00 AM (Modern)
Live streamed on Facebook & Youtube at 10:00 AM
301 58th St S, St. Petersburg, FL 33707
Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
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