Make the Most of Your Children's Summer Boredom

By Our Savior
On July 11, 2023

A wise man once said that idle hands are like the devil’s workshop. And this is certainly true when it comes to the mind as well. When our children are in school and at church, their minds are constantly growing and developing thanks to important lessons and information that’s being presented to them. Each Sunday, they receive lessons that draw them closer to Christ and his teachings and strengthen their relationship with him. Now that summer is here and the children are out of school, their minds have the tendency to wander from the virtues that we, as Lutheran parents, are responsible for instilling in them. Children get restless easily and can succumb to boredom. Today, we’ll be discussing how you can prevent this and set a better example for them to follow. 

Healthy Thoughts to Dwell On 

One of the major concerns for many Lutheran parents is the amount of media out there that panders to idiocy and promotes violent and transgressive thoughts. Allow your children to explore worlds that have strong moral virtues, such as the writings of CS Lewis. Their minds will be able to see the allegory between Aslan, the lion, and Christ. This will teach them about the differences between good and evil from an early age. 

Observations and Inferences 

These two skills are well known to any scientist who spends time in a laboratory. Something that’s missing from many school curriculums is the capacity to teach critical thinking. Talk to your child about how Christ’s teachings can be adapted to the modern world. This will train their young minds to be observant and draw connections between the physical world and the spiritual one. 

Encourage Creativity 

One of the most rewarding aspects of the Lutheran faith is our relationship with God, the creator. To strengthen your child's bond, encourage them to be creative this summer. Whether it’s something like an arts and crafts project, or something a little more advanced, this will allow your child's mind to grow in a positive direction. 

Our Savior Lutheran Church 

The world can be a scary place for adults as well as children. However, a strong relationship with Christ is one thing that we can build a foundation upon and put our trust in. At Our Savior Lutheran Church, we always have our doors open and our hearts ready. We welcome you to visit us at 301 58th Street St in St. Petersburg.

Check Out Our Summer Camp Programs!

We have various summer camp programs starting in July that we know your children will love! Learn more by visiting our Youth Ministry page.

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Live streamed on Facebook & Youtube at 10:00 AM
301 58th St S, St. Petersburg, FL 33707
Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
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