The Ultimate Staying Power

By MarilynBrownlee
On May 14, 2014

Cabbage Patch Kids. Tickle me Elmo. Furby, Nintendo Play Station. Many may remember the intense buying craze these one-time popular items spurred.  But in each instance, production quickly increased the supply, thus causing high demand of the items to decrease and the novelty soon wore off. The scenario could be summed up with the bell curve graph used to illustrate the usually short life of the business cycle. So how do companies establish staying power?

Yesterday, I came across an article (posted on the website titled, “Creating a Value Proposition. Communicating the Benefits of Your Product, Service or Idea, Simply and Clearly” The article takes the view that we are all selling something and emphasizes the importance of helping your target audience see the specific value that your “product” brings to them.

If we were to apply this to Our Savior Lutheran Church and School, we would first need to establish what it is we are trying to sell. Are we selling God? Religion? Sunday worship services at out multiple locations? Enrollment in our schools? Helping others through our various ministries? We attempt to do it all through living love.  Love God. Love people. Serve the world.

It probably sounds odd to relate concepts like the business cycle and staying power to an organization like Our Savior Lutheran Church and School. But in reality, our organization is very much like any other company. Our product is not as tangible as a toy on a shelf or finding a cure for cancer, yet an argument could be made that our product has established the truest of staying power.

“For he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end.”  -- Daniel 6:26

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